Mandarin Orange


知能の次なるフロンティア:AIの進化  The Next Frontier of Intelligence: The Evolution of AI



Created with an AI illustration generation tool








人間のクリエイターが作品にもたらす感情的な深み、ニュアンス、独自の視点などが欠けているという主張もあるものの、AI で生成されたイラストは、予想以上の高品質の結果を迅速かつ効率的に生成できる可能性がある。

小規模なクライアントは、より安価で高速な AI によって生成されたイラストという代替手段を選択することで、費用を抑えられる可能性も考えられる。


AI によって生成されたコンテンツに関連する、潜在的な偏見や倫理的懸念の問題、例えば、偏った情報や限られた内容のデータセットを用いてAI アルゴリズムをトレーニングすると、ステレオタイプが助長されたり、特定のグループが情報から除外されたりする可能性は否めない。

また、AI によって生成されたコンテンツの所有権と著作権、および AI アルゴリズムの開発と使用における透明性と説明責任に関する問題など、解決すべき事案もたくさん存在してると思われる。




Illustrations drawn by AI are a hot topic, and the speed of evolution is fast, and now it is possible to generate images by specifying the composition and pose of the character. And it comes with high quality.

Some people began to say that illustrations drawn by AI should not be posted on illustration communication services.

However, if you think about it for a moment, AI and robots have been integrated into our society for a long time.

For example, factories that produce snacks are controlled by AI and robots, and almost all production lines are automated.

Snacks, which are the output products, are normally lined up in supermarkets and handed over to consumers, and no one feels uncomfortable with that flow.

In short, for consumers, the quality and cost performance of the product itself, which is the result, is more important than the product production process.

By the way, the illustration above was created with an illustration generation AI, and it is quite surprising that such a picture can be automatically generated with just one-line of text.

Come to think of it, when AI-generated illustrations are used for book illustrations and advertisements, it is hard to imagine that general consumers will distinguish whether the illustrations are drawn by humans or by AI when they come in contact with the book or advertisement.

Also, in other fields, source code generation AI has reached the point where it can write code in Python. Will you use your app worrying about whether it's code, human-generated, or AI-generated?

Despite claims that they lack the emotional depth, nuance, and unique perspective that human creators bring to their work, AI-generated illustrations have the potential to produce unexpectedly high-quality results quickly and efficiently.

Smaller clients could potentially save money by opting for cheaper and faster AI-generated illustrations as an alternative.

AI's capabilities are spreading from so-called simple labor to intellectual industries, and the speed of progress is so rapid that there is a mixture of admiration and confusion.

There are potential biases and ethical concerns related to AI-generated content. For example, training an AI algorithm with biased information or a limited data set can encourage stereotypes or exclude certain groups from the information.

There are also many issues to be resolved, such as ownership and copyright of AI-generated content, and issues of transparency and accountability in the development and use of AI algorithms.

However, we have entered an era of rapid technological evolution, and we used to think that this era was a period of transition. I feel like I'm progressing while clearing the points and challenges each time.

I've started to think more seriously than before about how I can ride this faster-than-expected wave of evolution.