Mandarin Orange


津駅前にある松阪牛の名店「松重」 Matsuju, a famous Matsusaka beef restaurant in front of Tsu Station










Looking back on the first half of the year, I thought about the restaurant that left the most impression on me.

The first one that comes to mind is Matsuju, a Matsusaka beef sukiyaki and beef shabu-shabu restaurant located in front of Tsu Station in Mie Prefecture.

Matsuju is located right outside Tsu Station, so it's easy to access, and the exterior of the restaurant has a calm Japanese design, and you can already feel a sense of luxury from the entrance.

Matsusaka beef for shabu-shabu is of the highest quality, with a good balance of fat and lean meat. When dipped in hot water, the umami of the meat is enhanced, and happiness spreads in your mouth.

You can enjoy it with ponzu or sesame sauce, which are both excellent sauces that bring out the flavor of the meat.

One portion is about 150g, so the amount of meat is perfect, and if you eat it with vegetables, you will feel full.

It was worth visiting for its convenient access in front of the station, its luxurious interior, and above all, the fact that you can taste the finest Matsusaka beef, and it became the restaurant that left the most impression on me in the first half of the year.

小さいことから経験値アップ Gain experience from small things




あるイタリアレストランで食べた「カプレーゼ バルサミコ酢仕立て」がとてもおいしく、家でも作って食べてみたくなったのが、きっかけである。





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I recently bought balsamic vinegar for the first time.

I had a Caprese with Balsamic Vinegar at an Italian restaurant and it was so delicious that I wanted to try making it at home.

I feel that it is very important to gain experience.

When I eat out, I try not to always go to the same place, but to try new restaurants and try things I have never tried before.

I think that this will increase my experience and expand my horizons.

When I talk to people, I try to bring up current topics and thoughts about the future as much as possible.

When I think about the conversations I have had at gatherings and meals in the past, I feel that if the conversation was about the past, it never led to anything new.

In order to expand my horizons, I would like to continue to consciously try new things and read books.


成功者の秘訣をのぞく:『Tools of Titans』レビュー Exploring the Secrets of Success: A Review of 'Tools of Titans'



ティム・フェリス著『Tools of Titans』は、世界で最も成功した人々の習慣、習慣、戦略をユニークに垣間見ることができる、魅力的で洞察力に富んだ内容だと感じた。


「Tools of Titans」の際立った特徴の1つは、その実用性だと考えられる。


この本は、「健康」、「裕福」、「賢明」の 3 つのセクションに分かれており、読者が自らの目標に関連するアドバイスを見つけるよう導いている。





全体として、「Tools of Titans」は、作者の洞察とインタビュー対象者の知恵を垣間見ながら、人生を最適化し、目標を達成したいと考えている人にとって貴重なリソースにあり得ると考えられる。


I found "Tools of Titans" by Tim Ferriss to be a fascinating and insightful book that provides a unique glimpse into the habits, habits, and strategies of some of the world's most successful people.

Throughout this book, the author distills important lessons and practical advice from podcast interviews with top performers in various fields.

One of the distinguishing features of "Tools of Titans" may be its practicality.

From productivity hacks to health and wellness practices, the author provides a wealth of tips and tools that readers can immediately apply to their own lives.

The book is divided into his three sections: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, guiding readers to find advice relevant to their goals.

Another strength of this book is the diversity of interviewees.

He interviews everyone from athletes and entrepreneurs to scientists and artists, offering a wide range of perspectives and insights.

But this book is so packed with tips, tactics, and anecdotes that it can be difficult to take in everything at once, and the amount of information can be overwhelming.

Also, the book's format, consisting of excerpts from interviews, can feel disjointed at times.

Overall, "Tools of Titans" could be a valuable resource for anyone looking to optimize their life and achieve their goals, with a glimpse into the author's insight and the wisdom of the interviewees.



自分らしく生きることについて About living as yourself







自分の属している会社 = 自分の価値、だと思っていることが伺える。

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We have various personas and use them depending on the situation.
Who I am when I'm working, who I am at home, and who I am when I'm spending time with friends.

When many people get a job and become members of society, they generally spend the most time as an office worker, so their persona as an office worker comes to occupy a large proportion of their lives.

Because a persona as an employee of the company to which they belong is their most important existence and role, they sometimes confirm their value through the company's business card.

Some people feel superior by judging people based on the size of the company, or have an arrogant attitude toward people at subcontractors.

This shows that they think that the company they work for = their value.

But if we no longer have the employee persona, where can we find your value? How many people will still be in touch with us?

It is said that we live 100 years era, and the impact of retirement is fading. I feel that we live in an era where we must establish ourselves as individuals who can work without being tied to the framework of a company, and who can contribute to society while earning an income.

飛行機の預け荷物の料金と航空券料金について Thoughts on checked baggage charges and ticket prices on airplanes








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There are weight restrictions for checked baggage when boarding an airplane.

In economy class, the weight is around 20 kg, and in business class, it is around 30 kg.

If you exceed this amount, you will be required to pay an additional fee, but I think that in addition to this, it would be good to have a system that changes the fee depending on the weight of the passenger.

Although passengers are required to pay an additional fee if their checked baggage exceeds even 1kg, the current situation is that passenger weight differences of several tens of kilograms are not considered a problem.

For example, it is possible to change the fuel surcharge depending on the passenger's weight, or to change the weight of luggage depending on the passenger's weight.

I hope that with the advancement of AI technology, this system will be reviewed and a more flexible fee structure will be provided.

韓国仁寺洞の韓屋茶家:伝統と静けさを楽しむ特別なひととき Hanok teahouse in Insa-dong, South Korea: A special moment to enjoy tradition and tranquility











I enjoyed delicious traditional Korean tea at a traditional teahouse in Seoul.

"Hanok Teahouse" is a traditional teahouse located in Insa-dong, Seoul.

This teahouse is characterized by its calm atmosphere, which makes use of the traditional Korean architectural style of hanok.

The interior of the teahouse is decorated with wooden furniture and furnishings, giving you a traditional Korean atmosphere.

At Hanok Tea House, you can enjoy various types of traditional Korean tea.

It is especially popular among tourists and locals because it allows you to spend a relaxing time in a quiet atmosphere even though it is located in the busy area of Insadong.

The teahouse also offers traditional Korean sweets and snacks, which you can enjoy with your tea.

When visiting Insa-dong, be sure to experience traditional Korean tea culture at a Hanok tea house.


仁寺洞の名店「江南麺屋 강남면옥」で極上の「カルビチム」を堪能



ソウルの伝統的な文化地区、仁寺洞(インサドン)に位置する「江南麺屋 カンナム ミョノク 강남면옥」は、本格的なカルビチムを楽しめる名店として知られています。


「江南麺屋 강남면옥」のカルビチムは、柔らかくてジューシーな牛肉が特徴で、秘伝のタレに漬け込んだ肉は、ほどよい甘さと深い味わい、口の中でとろけるような食感と豊かな味わいが楽しめます。一度食べたら忘れられない逸品です。



ソウルに行く際は、この「江南麺屋 강남면옥」は外せないスポットで、必ず訪れて舌鼓をするおすすめのお店です。

At the beginning of this year, I went to Seoul for the first time in several years.

Gangnam Myeonok 강남면옥, located in Insadong, Seoul's traditional cultural district, is known as a famous restaurant where you can enjoy authentic galbijim.

Galbijim, steamed mandu, and cold noodles are especially popular.

Gangnam Myeonok 강남면옥's galbijim is characterized by tender and juicy beef.The meat marinated in a secret sauce has just the right amount of sweetness, deep flavor, and a melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavor. You can enjoy it. It is a masterpiece that you will never forget once you try it.

・Steamed mandu
Handmade steamed mandu are Korean steamed dumplings packed with the flavor of meat and vegetables. The chewy skin and juicy ingredients create an exquisite balance that makes you feel happy every time you eat it.

・Naengmyeon (Cold noodle)
As the name noodle shop suggests, the cold and refreshing beef soup-cooled noodles are the restaurant's signature menu. By eating it between galbijim and steamed mandu, it also serves as a refreshing change of pace.

When you go to Seoul, Gangnam Myeonok 강남면옥 is a must-visit spot and is a recommended restaurant that you should definitely visit and enjoy.