Mandarin Orange


小さいことから経験値アップ Gain experience from small things




あるイタリアレストランで食べた「カプレーゼ バルサミコ酢仕立て」がとてもおいしく、家でも作って食べてみたくなったのが、きっかけである。





Illustration generated by Wombo




I recently bought balsamic vinegar for the first time.

I had a Caprese with Balsamic Vinegar at an Italian restaurant and it was so delicious that I wanted to try making it at home.

I feel that it is very important to gain experience.

When I eat out, I try not to always go to the same place, but to try new restaurants and try things I have never tried before.

I think that this will increase my experience and expand my horizons.

When I talk to people, I try to bring up current topics and thoughts about the future as much as possible.

When I think about the conversations I have had at gatherings and meals in the past, I feel that if the conversation was about the past, it never led to anything new.

In order to expand my horizons, I would like to continue to consciously try new things and read books.