Mandarin Orange


音楽とカフェの融合!「NOTES BY YAMAHA」で贅沢なひとときを The Ultimate Music and Café Experience at NOTES BY YAMAHA in Ginza

NOTES BY YAMAHAは、ヤマハの旗艦店でもあり、国内最大級の総合楽器店である、ヤマハ銀座ビルの2階にあるカフェ&ラウンジです。




店内に入ると、ステージ エリアがからグランドピアノやコントラバス、ドラムセットがまず目に入ります。

この楽器達は、最新技術により楽器奏者たちの演奏を再現することができ、時間帯によって、演奏映像とともにライブ ミュージック パフォーマンスが行われます。



銀座の賑やかな街を散策途中に、ふと立ち寄ることができて、カフェ、ライブハウス、楽器店が 1 つの場所に組み合わされた、銀座のユニークな空間を楽しめる、おすすめの場所です。


NOTES BY YAMAHA is a café and lounge located on the 2nd floor of the YAMAHA Ginza Building, the flagship store of YAMAHA and one of the largest general musical instrument stores in Japan.

It is a unique space that integrates a café, a live house, and a YAMAHA musical instrument and audio equipment store.

The cafe offers a variety of drinks and snacks including coffee, tea, sandwiches and pastries.

They also have a large selection of alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and cocktails.

When you enter the store, the first thing that catches your eye is the grand piano, contrabass, and drum set from the stage area.

Using the latest technology, these instruments can reproduce the performances of the instrumentalists, and live music performances are performed along with performance videos depending on the time of day.

YAMAHA Ginza has a cafe and lounge area, as well as a retail store that sells a variety of YAMAHA products, including musical instruments, audio equipment, and accessories.

Designed to provide an immersive experience where you can try and buy YAMAHA products in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

It is a recommended place where you can casually stop by while walking around the bustling streets of Ginza and enjoy the unique space of Ginza where cafes, live houses and instrument store are combined in one place.