Mandarin Orange


炭火焼グリルで極上の肉を堪能!ザ・ステーキハウス/ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京の贅沢 Enjoy the finest meat on the charcoal grill! Luxurious taste of The Steakhouse / ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo





数種類の塩を比べながら楽しむことができます。You can enjoy comparing several kinds of salt. 여러 종류의 소금을 비교하면서 즐길 수 있습니다.

When I visited Suntory Hall the other day, I enjoyed lunch at "The Steakhouse" in the ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo next door.

The steak was cooked on the Binchotan charcoal grill (3m long) installed in the restaurant's characteristic open kitchen.

There is a salad bar, and one of the attractions is that you can eat as much fresh vegetables as you like.

The atmosphere inside the restaurant is elegant and calm, and the staff are very attentive. It is one of the restaurants that I will definitely want to visit again for special occasions and anniversaries.